Epidemiological characteristics of West Nile fever in the Astrakhan region in 2005 to 2018V. A. Irdeeva 1, N. N. Nikeshina 2, A. I. Boldyreva 2, G. L. Shendo 3, A. R. Azaryan 2, N. R. Bedlinskaya 1, L. E. Kuznetsova 1, I. D. Gladkiy 1
1- FGBOU VO «Astrakhan state medical University» of the Ministry of health of Russia, 414000, Astrakhan, ul. Bakinskaya, 121
2 - Office of the Federal service for supervision of consumer protection and human welfare, 414057, Astrakhan, St. Nicholas Ostrovsky, 138
3 - FBUZ «Center of hygiene and epidemiology in the Astrakhan region», 414057, Astrakhan, ul. Kirov, 89
In recent decades, the world, including Russia, has seen major outbreaks and sporadic incidence of West Nile fever. The epidemiological significance of the fever is determined by the severity of the clinical course with the defeat of the Central nervous system and mortality from 2 to 14%, a large proportion of erased forms of infection with Virology, the lack of specific treatment and prevention, the presence of endemic areas in Asia and
Africa.At present, the West Nile virus area has expanded and natural foci of this arbovirus infection have become more active, due to the adaptation of West Nile virus to a wide range of birds, blood-sucking arthropods, some mammals, as well as seasonal bird migrations and transcontinental transfer of the fever pathogen from endemic countries to natural biocenoses [5].The problem of West Nile fever is relevant for the southern Federal district (Volgograd, Astrakhan, Rostov regions, Krasnodar territory, the Republic of Kalmykia) due to the large outbreaks and registration of sporadic morbidity [3].
Keywords: West Nile fever, West Nile virus, arbovirus infection
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